7 Best Methods To Earn Money On Instagram With 500 Followers

Earn scrolling Instagram. Yeah!! You heard it right you can now earn while doing your favorite time pass that is using Instagram. It might be sounding funny but yes it is possible to earn money on Instagram with 500 followers only. There was a time when you needed to have 10k followers to start earning from Instagram but as time changed Instagram app has also evolved and provided the platform to the new users to earn. Don’t worry we will tell you how.

If you check your activities on your mobile phone then, I am damn sure you will find Instagram taking all of your time but worry not, let’s convert this time and internet wastage to something of your use. We are up with ways that will help you to earn money on Instagram with 500 followers. Instagram indeed pays between $8,400 to $1.2 million per post but that depends on your credibility, on the platform. What if you are a commoner? You still have scope to earn but the thing is most of us are unaware. So, in this article, we will tell you the ways to earn money on Instagram with 500 Followers.

Your real 500 followers are worth more important than 100k fake followers on Instagram. Various strategies will help you to earn money on Instagram with 500 followers. These include

  1. Offer Physical or Digital Goods
  2. Release Sponsored Posts
  3. Compose Captions for business
  4. Promote Affiliate links
  5. Become a Brand Ambassador
  6. Provide Social Media Marketing Services
  7. Make Instagram Filters
  8. Online Store

If you are new to digital marketing these terms will be new to you. Don’t worry friend, we have explained all these further in our article.

Earn Money On Instagram With 500 Followers

Instagram is the most downloaded and widely popular app, mostly dominated by the youth population. Social media provides you with various options to earn from it. These include Instagram business and market place but today we will majorly focus on the ways to earn money with fewer followers.

Offer Physical and Digital Goods

Earn Money On Instagram With 500 Followers - Goods on Instagram

It has been noticed that over the past few years people have started to buy and promote products online. So, Instagram has stepped into the market and changed the basic Instagram post features to the shopping posts. It has introduced various features like store buttons, item tags, in-app checkout, and shoppable stickers making the shopping process easier. 

To access this feature you need to verify your account as the business account first. Instagram is concerned about its users, you need to confirm first if you are a trusted seller.

Release Sponsored Posts

Earn Money On Instagram With 500 Followers - Sponsored Posts

According to research by the team TopHillSport, 82 percent of the people believe in the products or accounts their friends tell them to buy or follow. This is the point where your real followers come to play. They know you personally and trust you. You can ask any brand or influencer for the sponsored posts. They will pay you for each promotional post you do for them. This is the easiest way to earn money on Instagram with 500 followers.

Compose Captions for Business

Earn Money On Instagram With 500 Followers - business captions

We are aware, today all big business setups such as Zara and Armani hire social media marketing experts to make full use of and promote their product on Social media with catchy captions and product details. Now, that small business setup also have the access to the marketplace on Instagram they are in the search of freelance caption creators to cut their expenses. If you feel you are good at it you can contact these companies and get paid for your work.

Promote Affiliate Links

Earn Money On Instagram With 500 Followers - Instagram affiliate links

Most companies are ready to spend on the promotions if they are getting results. If you have promoted any of the products of a company that has given it the clicks then there are chances of the company bouncing back at you for more promotions. You can charge accordingly to them.

To promote affiliate links you can join ClickBank, Impact, Shareasale, or Awin. Instagram has developed a strong engagement rate already so, it is the perfect place to promote affiliate links.

Become a Brand Ambassador 

Earn Money On Instagram With 500 Followers - brand ambassador

As we already told you that companies need influencers who can promote their product. There are two ways for it. First one, the company will pay you for every promoting post when the company wants you to post. The second one is you become the brand ambassador of the company and start promoting their products more often. So, the company will pay you on monthly basis or you can also sign the contract with the company.

Provide Social Media Marketing Services

Earn Money On Instagram With 500 Followers - Social Media Marketing

Instagram as told earlier is the most famous and widely used social media app. It is the perfect place to promote and sell the product. All the companies today require a social media marketing expert. If you think you know the Instagram app so well that you can help a company to grow with your social media marketing skills then this would opportunity to pay your services to the company and get paid with a handsome amount in return.

Make Instagram Filters

Earn Money On Instagram With 500 Followers - Instagram Filters

Instagram copied the filter and story feature from the snap chat back in 2016 but, nobody knew then that it would be of great use to the companies who promote their products on Instagram. Many companies have hired in-house experts that make filters for the companies that promote their products while some collaborate with the genius minds for the promotional filter for their products. If you know the art of making filters then this would be a great opportunity for you to earn.

Online Stores

Earn Money On Instagram With 500 Followers

Well, if you think you do not have enough money to buy an website for delivering online products then you can use your Instagram account for the purpose. All you have to do is covert your account into the business account and start posting the product on your account that you want to sell. If anybody is interested, they can DM you.


Gone are the days when people use to say that mobile phones and social media are only a waste of time. Instagram is one of the fastest-growing social media apps. Now, you know how to earn money with 500 followers. Followers will grow eventually with time and efforts you put in. There are various tips and tricks to get more followers on Instagram. Do write us your review in the comments section below.

Frequently Asked Question

Q1. How Do You Get 500 Followers On Instagram In A Day?

Well, to get more followers on Instagram. Here are a few tricks and tips.

  1. Find the right Hashtag
  2. Share user generated content
  3. Use good images
  4. Find the followers interested in your Niche
  5. Converse with your Followers
  6. Use Instagram Ads for more reach
  7. Try making reels
  8. Be consistent with your work
  9. Give shoutouts
  10. Collaborate with others

Q2. How Much Does 500K Instagram Followers Make?

People with the follower’s strength up to 500K can make up to $2000 to $3000 per sponsored post. Plus they can get affiliate bonuses too. You can promote and sell your own product as well to get more.

Q3. How Many Instagram Followers Do You Need To Make Money?

Well, we have mentioned how make money with low followers. But if you are asking about getting the sponsored posts then want you to have at least 5000 followers. According to a research, it was shown that sharing 308 sponsored posts with 5000 followers can make you $100,000.

Q4. Does Instagram Pay You For Having A Lot Of Followers?

Getting paid totally depends on the engagement, number of followers, and the quality of content you post on the platform. The standard rate set by Instagram is $10 per 1000 followers and it may vary depending on your contract and sponsor.

Rishabh Yashovardhan

Rishabh is the Editor for TopHillSport. He satisfies his appealing scrutiny while reviewing and editing the articles written by different teams and groups of writers. Instagram has been his first love on social media and he always aspires to write about the same.

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  1. Angelica says:

    Hello. I’m angelica

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