What Is Truth Social? Another Addition To Trump’s Social Autonomy!

Have you heard about Truth Social Media? Do you know what is Truth Social? Truth Social is created by TMTG. Trump created the Truth Social platform. But, Why? Here we will discuss all the questions that come up to your mind regarding Truth Social.

The former US President Donald Trump has declared a new social media app as an alternative to Twitter and Facebook. This app will be launched in February 2022 on iOS devices. This new media company of Trump is assisted by the former US Rep. Devin Nunes.

On the basis of screenshots in the App Store listing, we can say that Truth Social is a lot like Twitter. The profile page that I have seen in one of the screenshots is exactly similar to that of Twitter. Moreover, the posts have icons where we can easily retweet, reply and share them as well. This app is yet to be launched and to your knowledge, till now it does not have a registration page.

The Truth Social platform is made so that people can have honest, free, and open global conversations about political issues. So, let’s get to know what is Truth Social and how to download Truth Social in detail. 

What Is Truth Social?

What Is Truth Social

As spokeswoman Liz Harrington declared, Trump has made his own social media platform, Truth Social. Moreover, it states that the Truth Social will stand up to the dictatorship of the Big Tech.

On this, Trump tweeted that we live in a world where Twitter is occupied with the Taliban and still Trump is silent. This company will be registered under the Trump Media and Technology Group (TMTG). Likewise, you can also pre-order Truth Social on the Apple App Store.

In 2021, a blog was launched on Trump’s existing website. However, that was rejected because the page could not attract many active users. Hence, Truth Social is a hope that it will work better than Trump’s other sites even though Trump has competition from his very own supporters.

Orthodox and conservative voices on the platform that are already present are performing really well. So it is not clear how many Trump fans are willing to shift to a new platform once it gets launched.

How Does Truth Social Work?

How Does Truth Social Work

Now, that you know what is Truth Social, let’s understand how this social platform works!

The website of Truth Social has described the new platform as a “Big Tent” social media service. Here you can have an open, honest and free global conversation about political issues. However, the big tent is referred to as a metaphor that truth society will be performing with so that it can discuss political issues. It is described as a big outdoor event tent that is present at your best friend’s wedding. 

So who all are there in the tent? 

There are many families from all over the US and the rest of the world. All the families are together and having a really good time. Moreover, they even share their own opinions of the world. Though we may not agree with each other, at least we welcome all kinds of opinions without being biased.

If we talk about the day-to-day functions of Truth Social then it seems to work just like any other social media platform works. You have to sign up then you can join the conversation and can share your opinion by posting TRUTH or Re-Truth. Moreover, you can even post video links, news stories, photos so that you can chat with your friends and families from all over the world.

Why Did Twitter And Facebook Ban Donald Trump?

Donald Trump was banned from many social media platforms after he made some unjustified allegations of election fraud. After his polling day, Trump used his social media account to make useless comments about the presidential election which according to him is done by fraud.

Moreover, he continuously would state online and in a speech that the election had been stolen from him. There were many supporters that attacked the capital that day and five people also died in the violence. Some of them that were charged in connection with the riot stated that the violence was encouraged by Trump.

On 8th January Trump was permanently blocked from Twitter to avoid any further encouragement of violence. Likewise, Snapchat permanently banned Trump and he was suspended from Youtube, Facebook, Instagram, and Twitch as well.

That is when decided to come up with his own social platforms like Gettr and Truth Social.

Privacy Policies Of Truth Social

Privacy Policies Of Truth Social

However, just like any social media platform has a privacy policy, so does social media. Here are some of the privacy policies of Truth Social:

  1. Agreeing to the terms of the Truth Social: You can agree to use the site if you have read the terms and have understood them and also agree to those terms that are present on the terms of service. However, if you do not agree to these terms then you can opt not to use this app.
  2. Privacy policy: Truth Social care about the privacy and security of the data hence privacy policy is made to inform you of the practices regarding the usage, protection, and collection of the information.
  3. Representation of the user: with this, you confirm that all the information that you post is correct, complete, and recent. You also have to maintain the accuracy of the information that you share and also update this information if necessary. Moreover, you should not be less than 13 years old.
  4. Registration of the user: you need to register yourself with the site by giving your email address, and name and creating your account.
  5. Consent and communication preferences: Truth Social will send communication to the registered email address. These communications could include information, special offers, etc.
  6. Prohibited activity: If you are using this platform then will agree not to recover data or content from this site to make or to compose a database without any written permission to Truth Social.

Wrapping Up:

Truth Social is not the first platform that allows free speech for the conservatives or is banned from the main social networks. Parler and Gab too have tried to open the same markets but have mixed results. 

Though Donald Trump is banned from Twitter his son Donald Trump Jr. is still active on Twitter and using it to promote Truth Social. So, now that we have had a good idea of what is Truth Social and it’s privacy policies. Do share the information with your friends and family as well.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. When Will Truth Social Launch?

This app is expected to launch in February along with a nationwide rollout in early 2022 in the US. However, it is not yet confirmed whether this app will also be launched in international territories which also includes the UK, or is just for US citizens.

Q. How Is Truth Social Different From The other apps?

Truth Social is a completely fresh social media app that was created by US President Donal Trump. Hence you can download it easily and it is known more to the public. After being banned by Facebook and Twitter trump shared that he has made an app where he encourages open places to express anything without discrimination.

Truth Social blocks ads from third parties so you can easily navigate without any hassle. Though this is not needed, subscriptions will also be available.

Ridhika Gupta

Ridhika is an overthinker by mind and a writer by heart! Along with pursuing her Master's, she is always on the verge to try something new with each sunrise in the tech and social world! Come join her in the journey and find answers to your queries!

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