Phone Numbers That Play Music! Is It For Real?

Phone Numbers That Play Music! Is It For Real?

Have you ever heard about phone numbers that play music? Sounds weird, no? How come phone numbers play music? Well, there are phone numbers that will play music when you call them.

Well, these can be really fun and at the same time useful as it helps to pretend that you are on hold. If you don’t want to talk to someone then you can try out this trick. This will make others look like you are busy but in reality, you are not busy.

Don’t worry, if you want to know about the phone numbers that play music, then this post is going to help you out. There are many phone numbers that will play music, such as dial a song, callin’ Oates, the all-star line, and the rick Astley line.

Well, there are many other deets that you need to know about the phone numbers that play music and we have discussed them in the below section. Just scroll down and read about them. 

Phone Numbers That Play Music

There are many phone numbers that play music. Here we have mentioned them. So let’s not waste any more time and quickly get started.

Dial A Song

Phone Numbers That Play Music! Is It For Real?

Let’s first start with the most famous music line and that dials a song. Well, dial a song was initially started in 1983. While this was shut down for some time the dial song came back again in 2015 and then again in 2018. The phone number can be reached at 1-844-387-6962.

Just call the number and it will play the song instead of the regular answering machine. Even though the songs don’t change every time you can still call.

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Callin’ Oates

Callin’ Oates

If you are a fan of callin’ Oates then you will surely love callin’ Oates phone line. When you call on this line then you will be asked to choose between one of the four halls and Oates songs that will play on the phone.

You can call 1-719-226-2837, if you want to try it then this phone number even has its own Twitter account which you can follow to get updates.

The All-Star Line

This is yet another phone number that plays music and is famous as well and that is the all-star line. According to the creators it has received more than 90,000 calls in a period of 30 days. When you call on this line then it will play Smash Mouth all-star on the phone.

The numbers for the all-star line are:

  1. USA: +1-830-476-5664
  2. UK: +44-19-2532-0399

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The Rick Astley Line

The Rick Astley Line

Well, the Rick Astley line even plays Rick Astley’s famous never gonna give up song to anyone that calls. You can just send it to anyone that you want to rick roll. These are a few numbers:

  1. UK: +44-11-7325-7425
  2. USA: +1-760-706-7425
  3. Australia: +61-3-8652-1453
  4. New Zealand: +64-9-886-0565

However, if you want to do additional line setup in any other country then this is not yet available. But the creators have mentioned that they can do this if you pledge $30 per month on their Patreon page.

Customer Service Lines Of Major Companies

Well, the last option for phone numbers that play music is just simply to call the customer service of most of the big companies that you have worked with. But you can only do this if you have a legitimate customer service issue and you can even wait for a convenient time like calling the right now so that you can have an excuse to be on hold for a long period of time.

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Wrapping Up:

Now, after reading this post you do know phone numbers that play music. Here we have mentioned a few numbers that you can try and they will play the songs. If you have any questions, you can reach us in the comment section below.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. How To Add Music To Call Waiting?

If you want to hold the music to call waiting then here are a few steps to follow:

  1. For the phone number, you need to go to the general option and then click on the hold music.
  2. For the line, you have to go to the general option and hit the inbound call options followed by hold music or ring back.
  3. For the ring, the group goes to the general option and then clicks on the ring back.
  4. For the call, the queue goes to queue behavior and then hit the caller settings. Then click on hold waiting in queue callers will hear.

Q. How To Put Waiting Music On Your iPhone?

To add the music to call waiting on your iPhone just open the settings app and hit the phone option. Scroll down and then click on the call waiting option and then toggle the switch then hit the play music. You will be able to choose a song from your music library to play while you are on hold.

Q. What Is Hold Music Called?

Well, music on hold is referred to the practice of playing recorded music to replace the silence that will be heard when telephone callers are placed on hold. Play the on-hold music is a common practice, especially in customer service situations. Music on hold is called phone-hold music.

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