How To Turn Visa Gift Card Into Cash | 7 Effective Methods

How To Turn Visa Gift Card Into Cash

Are you struggling to convert a visa gift card into cash? You have come to the right place, this article is for you, and let us see how to turn visa gift card into cash.

Who doesn’t love gifts? A gift in any form makes us happy. A gift card is even more special as we can use the gift card according to our needs and buy whatever we like.

But, what if you receive a handful of gift cards on your special day!? You must definitely be thinking of converting gift cards into cash because having cash on hand makes it possible to donate to charities or even pay rent.

To turn visa gift card into cash, add cash to your Venmo or PayPal account, purchase money orders, pay bills with a visa gift card, or sell your gift card.

Well, this is what exactly the article is all about. Continue reading to understand how to turn visa gift card into cash.

How To Turn Visa Gift Card Into Cash?

To turn visa gift card into cash, use the ATM, sell the gift card on the Facebook marketplace, or trade at a gift card exchange kiosk.

Method 1: Add Cash to Your Venmo or PayPal Account

For more flexible online use, some users also convert Visa gift cards into PayPal or Venmo wallets. When conducting online transactions, having more flexibility may be possible by transferring money to a digital wallet. Just be mindful of transaction costs when transferring funds from your PayPal account to your bank account.

To Add Gift Card Balance To Paypal Account

Log in to your Paypal account > Select Wallet > Select Link a card > Fill in the instructions with your card details > Submit the data

Step 1: Open a Paypal account and log in.

Step 2: Select “Wallet” from the top menu.

Step 3: Select “Link a Card.”

Step 4: Fill in the instructions with your card details. Once completed, submit the data.

To Add Gift Card Balance To Venmo Account

Launch the Venmo app > Select “Settings” > Choose “Payment Methods” > Click “Add a Bank or Card” > Select “Add card to your account”

Step 1: Launch the Venmo app on your smartphone.

Step 2: Select “Settings” from the menu bar after opening it.

Step 3: Choosing “Payment Methods”.

Step 4: Click “Add a Bank or Card.”

Step 5: Select “Add card to your account” after entering your card information.

Hence, with these methods, you can turn visa gift card into cash.

Method 2: Purchase Money Orders

Purchasing a money order is another option to turn Visa gift card into cash. Simply purchase a money order at the post office or a banking kiosk, deposit it into your checking account, or use it to pay for a specific transaction. Make sure you have a bank account from a financial institution in order to buy a money order

Related: 5 Gift Cards You Could Give to Everyone

Method 3: Pay Bills With Visa Gift Card

Although you will never see the money, using your gift card to pay a bill is the same as turning your Visa gift cards into cash. Just keep in mind that a Visa gift card functions similarly to a credit card.

Method 4: Sell Your Gift Card 

To liquidate prepaid cards, go to websites like Prepaid2Cash and CardCash. These websites may exchange gift cards for cash. This is one of the most easiest and straightforward methods.

You may also sell the gift card to someone who is in need of it. If one of your friends is in a plan to buy a gift card, you may give him/her your gift card and turn visa gift card into cash.

How To Turn Visa Gift Card Into Cash

Method 5: Use The ATM

Using an ATM is the quickest way to turn a Visa gift card into cash. To perform a cash transaction, just go to an ATM that has been approved and insert the card into the device. Make a note that there will be transaction charges.

Method 6: Sell The Gift Card On Facebook Marketplace

Selling your Visa gift card on Facebook Marketplace is among the simplest ways to turn visa gift card into cash. You won’t have to pay a fee, which is one of the main benefits. Convincing potential purchasers that your Visa gift card is authentic will be your hardest challenge. Take screenshots and photographs of the Visa internet pages that show the card balance. Additionally, you can protect yourself as a seller by checking out the ratings and profiles of customers.

Method 7: Trade At Gift Card Exchange Kiosk

Locating a Gift Card Exchange Kiosk is one incredibly simple way to turn visa gift card into cash. They are typically yellow and are frequently found at supermarkets and shopping centers. The information on your gift card, such as the series of digits on the front of the card, must be entered into the kiosk. Then you can choose from a variety of offers that are provided to you. After choosing, you’ll receive a voucher to provide to the cashier to receive your payment.

You can regift the card to someone on their special occasion if none of the methods mentioned above to convert gift cards into cards were successful. You can avoid wasting time and effort on gift shopping.

Also Read: Amazon Gift Card Balance Without Redeeming | Tricks To Know!

Wrapping Up

Though receiving a gift card is fun and exciting, we may think of converting it into cash for various reasons. We hope this article has explained to you how to turn visa gift card into cash in 7 easy methods. For more such informative and interesting articles, check out our page Virescencerecord.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. Why Is My Visa Gift Card Being Declined When I Have Money?

Ans. The card hasn’t been activated, the cashier is processing the wrong kind of transaction, the amount being charged exceeds the card’s balance, or the credit card processing device is increasing the charge amount to either put a hold on the card or to the account for a tip are the most frequent causes.

Q2. Do I Need To Activate A Visa Gift Card?

Ans. Many Visa Gift Cards automatically activate upon purchase and are usable right away. Some Visa Gift Cards, however, must first be activated by the receiver in order to be used. Before making your initial purchase, make sure you sign in the appropriate spot on the back.

Q3. Can You Get A Refund On A Visa Gift Card?

Your Visa, Mastercard, or American Express Gift Card may get credits up to the card’s initial value. Gift card credits typically appear within 7 to 10 days, though this can vary by shop.

Q4. Can you use a Visa gift card to pay a credit card?

Ans. Visa gift cards cannot be used to make credit card purchases since they are not linked to conventional bank accounts. Visa gift cards cannot be used to buy cash or cash equivalents like money orders.

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