How To Fix “We Restrict Certain Activity To Protect Our Community” On Instagram?

Are you facing issues with your Instagram account? Is it showing a warning, “Instagram we restrict certain activity to protect our community”? If this is true, then here we are with a post on how to fix Instagram We restrict certain activity to protect our community on Instagram app.

There can be various reasons why you can get this warning, however, some users have reported this issue without doing anything. Now, these users are trying to find the solution how to fix it. The first thing you need to understand is that Instagram keeps on changing its policies, some activities that we good earlier can no longer be good now.

We will be covering more on how to fix “We restrict certain activity to protect our community” on Instagram. We will provide you with all the background needed to understand this issue and how we can solve this issue as well. So, without further ado, let’s start

What Is “We Restrict Certain Activity To Protect Our Community”?

Every company has its policies and it will not let anyone do anything that is going beyond its policies. If anyone does anything against the policies, Instagram will give them a warning and then ultimately blocks the account. However, some users have reported this issue without doing anything against the policies.

Why Is Instagram Showing “We Restrict Certain Activity To Protect Our Community” On Instagram?

Here are some prime causes of this issue. Check if you come in any category.

Reason 1: Your Account Is New

If you have just created an account and you receive this on Instagram: ‘We restrict certain activity,’ it’s because you’re new! Perhaps, you haven’t included certain information, like your phone number. And now, Instagram believes you’re a bot!

Or perhaps, you have started liking and commenting on several posts upon your arrival. Doing so can raise red flags and compel Instagram to block your actions. 

Reason 2: You Have Been Inactive 

If you have been inactive for a long time, and now when you log in you can see this error. So, try to be more active; if not for the sake of increasing your IG engagement rate or sharing with your friends, then for the sake of this error! But be careful not to go overboard. 

If after a long period of silence, you start engaging with several accounts, it might lead to getting shadowbanned. Maintain a balance and enjoy your experience without Instagram limiting your activity.

Reason 3: Users Reported Your IG Account 

If you are among the ones, who shared inappropriate content or given your followers a reason to block and report you, this platform has noticed it. Practically, Instagram has sent you to your room to think about the bad things you’ve done to make sure you’d never repeat them again!

So, for your first step, just learn from your mistake and try not to trigger your audience. But now that it has happened, go to the solutions section to see what you can do to fix the error: ‘We restrict certain activity to protect our community on Instagram’ disappear.

Reason 4: Instagram Noticed Unusual Behavior

Instagram has its own AI that keeps on monitoring the accounts. The reason for Instagram limiting your activity is mainly to stop spammers and bots. So if you get this message, it is because Instagram recognized your activities as spam.

Firstly, bear in mind that Instagram can easily misinterpret your actions. For example, you may have liked a lot of posts during a short period. Or you may have followed a lot of people and reached Instagram’s daily limits. As Instagram constantly looks for bot activities, human interactions can be mistaken for bots.

I’m sure that you, like many others, agreed to Instagram’s terms of use without actually reading it. But now, please check out Instagram’s terms of use and guidelines to make sure Instagram won’t restrict and ban you again.

Reason 5: You Used IG Bots

If you have used IG bots, then for sure you will get this error. Instagram bots are, more often than not, dangerous. They will get you fake, or at best, uninterested followers who aren’t humans or have zero interest in interacting with your content. Plus, they are big red flags for Instagram.

Instagram bots might not be illegal, but IG is strictly against using automation. So, the moment you start using these bots, you risk being shadowbanned and receiving scary messages like this one: ‘We restrict certain activity on Instagram.’

How To Fix “We Restrict Certain Activity To Protect Our Community” On Instagram?

Now that we know the reasons for getting this error, how to can we fix it? Here are the fixes to solve this error.

Fix 1: Fill Out Your Information

If you have a new account, you can solve the fix ‘We restrict certain activity on Instagram’ error by completing your profile. Add your phone number to ensure Instagram that you’re a human, not a bot!

To enter your phone number, follow this path:

  • Open your Instagram profile feed.
  • Then, tap on the three horizontal lines and pick ‘Settings’, then choose ‘Account.’
  • Next, select ‘Personal Information.’
  • Now you can enter your email address and phone number, or include your gender and birthday if you feel like it!

This will solve your problem.

Fix 2: Stop Overdoing Activities

This error is also caused when you like too many posts or follow too many accounts for a short while. Instagram may think you are a bot. In this case,  for the ‘We restrict certain activity to protect our community on Instagram’ error, the solution is to wait for the error to be fixed by itself. However, if you feel that it has been a while since you are blocked, you’d better contact the Instagram support team. You can do this by taking the following steps. 

  1. First, try to like a post.
  2. When the Instagram ‘we restrict certain activity to protect our community’ error popped up, tap the ‘tell us’ button.
  3. Complete the required information form.
  4. Now, wait for a few days. 

In this case, the issue will be fixed if there has been a mistake. 

Fix 3: Stop Using Bots

If your error message is like this ‘try again later; we restrict certain activity’ Instagram error appears to you because you’ve been using bots, then the answer is clear! Your issue is not because of your activities and the solutions above won’t work.

Do not rely on the bot provider’s claims that the bot is safe and undetectable. The best solution is always to stop using it right away. After stopping the bot, the error will be fixed in a few days. 

However, many Instagrammers and business owners are becoming dependent on Instagram tools and robots to grow their accounts. Due to Instagram’s new updates, this is not advisable. But what can we do to grow without receiving the ‘We restrict certain activity’ Instagram error?

In the following, we will introduce a third-party application, which helps you grow followers organically, so it is entirely safe and natural. 

Fix 4: Use AiGrow To Grow Your Account 

AiGrow is a third-party application that you can use easily. Its many features make it an excellent alternative to all Instagram bots. It will provide you with statistical data on your accounts’ growth.

Plus, it will give you facilities by which you can increase your followers organically via hashtags and using Instagram algorithms wisely. Not to mention that a professional team of Instagram managers will be there to manage everything manually.

AiGrow is the best alternative for anyone who has felt the necessity to grow their account. Using AiGrow, you can also manage your DMs, which greatly helps maintain your followers and manage your interactions. 

Fix 5: Reinstall The Instagram App

This is the ultimate solution to this problem. You just have to uninstall and reinstall the app to remove the error from your account.

Wrapping Up

Here we conclude our post on how to fix  “We restrict certain activity to protect our community” on Instagram. We have provided you with 5 fixes. Comment below which one worked fine for you.

Keep exploring our website to know more about the tips and tricks.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. How Can I Open An Instagram Account?

Go to Tap Sign up, enter your email address, create a username and password, or tap Log in with Facebook to sign up with your Facebook account. If you register with an email, tap Sign up. If you register with Facebook, you’ll be prompted to log into your Facebook account if you’re currently logged out.

Q2. Can You Look At IG Without An Account?

The easiest way to look at a profile on Instagram without an account is if the person knows the username. Just go to the search bar on the web and enter Another way to view a profile is to Google the person or company’s Instagram account.

Q3. Where Is Instagram ID In Instagram?

On the left side of the screen, click Instagram accounts. Your Instagram ID will be displayed below your username or underneath your handle at the top of the screen.

Rishabh Yashovardhan

Rishabh is the Editor for TopHillSport. He satisfies his appealing scrutiny while reviewing and editing the articles written by different teams and groups of writers. Instagram has been his first love on social media and he always aspires to write about the same.

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