How To Address Two People In An Email? Basic Email Etiquettes To Follow!

Hey, Hello, Good morning and Greetings! That’s how a normal conversation starts and that goes for every setting you’re in. Are you looking for a perfect way how to address two people in an email? No matter if you’re communicating electronically or in reality, the basics of etiquette and polite speech never change. Addressing your bosses in a right and respectable manner is fundamental when it comes to the art of communication. Here in this electronic communication session, we have described how to address two people in an email.

You have to format an email while keeping in mind who you’re addressing and why you’re addressing them in the first place. If it’s your close bud, salutations like “Hey, Hi, Hello followed by the person’s first name” might suffice. However, if you’re in a professional environment addressing an email to your boss and colleagues, stick to formal salutations. Let’s know how to address two people in an email.

While addressing 2 people in an email or more people in your email. Keep in mind to mention every person’s name in the solution. For example,
1. Good Evening, Tom, Mia, and Harry
2. Dear Monica, Rachael, and Pheobe
3. Hello Chandler, Ross, and Joey

If you’re addressing two people in an email, it’s better to address them specifically. And here, we know what you might be wondering about addressing two persons in an email. No! It’s not informal or impolite to mention two different names in an email, especially if you’re writing it to both of them in a single email. If you’re addressing an email to your two bosses, then the salutation of “Dear Mr. X and Mr. Y” is fine enough.

Following these basic email etiquettes will help you to grow your business and have a better impression on the person you are outreaching out to. Read the full article for a perfect way how to address two people in an email.

How To Address Two People In An Email?

Addressing two people in email isn’t any different from addressing two people in a letter or in reality. Just like while meeting face-to-face, we address the senior-most person first, the same goes for in an email. So, how to address 2 people in an email?

If you’re writing a business email address to two people, then the first thing that you need to be mindful of apart from the subject of the email is its salutation. You have to write the salutation carefully as it’s the first thing that the recipient will notice.

Below we have mentioned how to address email to two people in a personal and formal or professional mail.

How To Address Multiple People In an Email?

How To Address Multiple People In An Email
how to address two people in an email

Whenever addressing multiple people on email, one, two, or three people, state each person’s name in the salutation, e.g. Dear X and Y”

  • Dear, Tom, Mia, and Jim.
  • Good afternoon Jose and Camila

When you are addressing a larger group, you can use a common salutation: Dear Team. In the case of an email reply, use a salutation in the first reply. After the first reply, it is no longer necessary to keep using a salutation. Think of the email chain as being in a conversation: You don’t need to keep saying the person’s name every time you reply. This is how to address 2 people in an email.

Now that you know how to address two people in an email, you must be wondering what if I want to address more than two people at once in the mail?

Well, for that here is a simple way to address multiple people in an email using the same salutation! Remember that whenever you are addressing one, two, or three, or even more people, state each person’s name in the salutation, e.g.:

“Dear, Tom, Mia, and Jim.”
“Good Afternoon Jose and Camila”
“Respected HR, MD, Project Lead, Editor”

Well, this was the case when you are addressing two, three, or max of four people in the mail. But when addressing multiple people at once, then you can simply stick to a common salutation like:

“Respected Dignitaries”
“Dear Team”

In the case of an email reply, use a salutation in the first reply. After that, if there’s a continuation in the replies, then you don’t have to mention the salutation again and again since the mails are being reverted in the same loop.

Addressing 2 People In An Email

addressing two people in an email
how to address two people in an email

While addressing two people in an email, we need to keep in mind that a personal email to two people is meant for the person you know personally and are very close to. If you’re writing a personal email to two persons, friends or family members, then the salutations here can be

“Hey X and Y

Hello X and Y

Hi X and Y

These are the salutations you need to use for how to address an email to two people.

If you are addressing the mail to more than two friends or family members, then you can write the salutation as

“Hello close ones

Hey mates

Dear family”

The latter part of the salutation in addressing two persons in an email can change depending on who you are addressing the mail to. Moreover, another most important thing that you should note here is that you don’t need to repeat your greetings on endearing terms like dear or hello. There’s no need to write “Hello X and Hello Y”. You can avoid doing that while addressing an email to two people (no matter if it’s personal mail or professional mail).

This is how addressing two people in an email works. Clear? Wait, there’s more you need to know about how to address two people in an email that is formal or professional! This will help you to solve your issue of how to address two persons in an email.

Addressing Two People In Formal Or Professional Email

how to address two people in an email
how to address 2 people in an email

A formal mail or professional email is self-explanatory as well. The email that you write for business purposes or other professional setups is formal mails. These mails are meant for the people who you aren’t close with and thus, they should be addressed accordingly.

In a formal mail meant for two people, you can write the salutation as 

“Dear Mr./Ms./Mrs. X and Mr./Ms./Mrs. Y

Good Morning Mr./Ms./Mrs. X and Mr./Ms./Mrs. Y”

The last name of the main recipient to who you are addressing the mail should be written first followed by the other recipient. You can also write the salutations based on the ranks and positions of the two recipients, one after the other. Like

“Dear Mr./Ms./Mrs. X,

Dear Mr./Ms./Mrs. Y”

Now, the most important thing that you need to keep in mind while writing a formal mail is that you should avoid writing the first name of the recipient in the salutation. If it’s your boss, professor, or doctor, writing the last name of the recipient only as calling out first names in professional environments is highly informal and rude.

Additionally, if you are addressing an email to more than two people, then you should write collective nouns followed by greetings like

“Dear/Good Morning Colleagues/ team members”

Once you get your email salutations correct, everything else becomes a piece of cake if only you know the basic email etiquette. Below we have made a curated list of etiquettes that you need to follow while addressing, formatting, and drafting an email.

Well, this is how addressing two people in an email works for both formal and professional emails. So, we hope you got your answer for how to address two people in an email that is formal and very professional.

How To Write A Business Letter?

If you are planning to communicate with a company or any important firm, the business letter is the best choice for you. Business letters vary from project to project.

So, how to write a business letter following the correct format? Here are the steps that’ll guide you to write a good format for a business letter.

  1. Opening: You must include your portal adress, name of the company, full date, and the adress of the receiver.
  2. Salutation: Do start with a proper saultaion like ‘Dear’, or ‘Respected’.
  3. Body: In the body part make sure to make clear your point like why you are writing this Business letter, or introduce yourself and your company. In continuation to it, recite the main goal of reaching out.
  4. Closing: Always close a business letter or an email with ‘Sincerely’, ‘Yours Truly’, ‘Best Regards’, or ‘Cordially’.

Let’s now move forward to steps on how to address 2 people in an email/business letter below!

How To Write A Business Letter With Multiple Recipients?

How To Write A Business Letter With Multiple Recipients
how to address two people in an email

You may have to send a Business letter to multiple recipients at the same time. So, what to do? How to address 2 people in an email? How can you send a Business letter to multiple people at once?

Here are the steps that you need to follow in order to learn how to address 2 people in an email:

1. Write A Header

You’ll find a heading section at the upper left corner of each Business letter. In that heading section, you have to write the name of the receivers.

Make sure you separate the names of multiple users with a comma. After the names write the company’s name followed by the company’s address.

Then add city, area code at last.

2. Adress All Names If Possible

If possible mention the names of all the recipients at once after you start with a salutation. For example Dear, Aby, Zara, Zoe, Bruto….”

3. Include A Carbon Copy

When addressing a letter to more than one person, you should include a carbon copy (cc). This also helps in keeping the names of the projects separated.

Carbon copy means the same mail/letter will be headed to several people at once.

This will definitely help with how to address 2 people in an email while writing business letters.

Remember The Basic Email Etiquettes; Email Do’s & Don’ts

Formatting and drafting an email starts with basic email etiquettes. You have to be careful of how you address and communicate your thoughts via email to receive them well. Emails can be trickier than verbal communication as the recipient solely relies on your words for clarity rather than your tone or body language.

As the person will be reading the email, you have to be extra careful while drafting it. Paying close attention to your words, basic English grammar, email format, etc is the key to writing a perfect email that is well received. 

Below we have made a curated list of email etiquettes that you need to pay close attention to while writing an email.

  • To/CC/BCC: People do not like the idea of their email addresses being known to a wide variety of people. In such cases, if you’re adding two or more people in an email, make sure you write the emails in the “BCC aka Blind Carbon Copy” column as it hides the emails of other recipients from the receiver. This is the one of the most important point to remember to know how to address two people in an email.
  • Subject: Even if you’re writing an email to your close friend or family, never forget to write the subject of the email. The subject of the email defines the whole purpose of your email and it gives much-needed clarity to the recipient and guides him/her to proceed with a certain mindset.
  • Salutation: Write a salutation that would be well-received by keeping in mind who you’re addressing the mail to. Distinguish between formal and informal salutations and draft an email accordingly.
  • Body: The body of the email must be well-written with proper structure to avoid confusion for the recipient. Make sure you divide the body of your email into different paragraphs so that it becomes easier for the recipient to understand the purpose of your email.
  • Vocabulary and communication style: Write an email with proper grammar and avoid typos to relay your sincerity through your email. Typos indicate the haphazard and half-hearted manner of writing an email. Moreover, you should avoid using words with all caps on like “MR. X, I BEG YOUR PARDON..” as it is considered rude and is synonymous with shouting in written communication.
  • Closure: Add a proper closing note with warm regards at the end of your email. If it’s a business email, make sure you add a note which relays your tough stand regarding the purpose of your email and why should they consider what you’ve written.

After you have drafted an email perfectly, make sure to proofread it before hitting on the “send” option. Make any changes if needed before sending the email as you won’t be able to do so afterward.

Email Dos And Don’ts

Email Dos And Don'ts
how to address two people in an email

When creating a business or an informal email, here are certain things that you need to keep in mind that’ll help you with how to address 2 people in an email.

1. Address With Care:

Make sure you are following the proper pattern to address an email. Ensure whom you are sending the mail to, keep your ‘To’, ‘CC’, and ‘BCC’ clear.

It’s always preferred to send one mail at a time or you can use the blind copy (Bcc) feature so that only one email address flashes to the receiver.

2. Keep The Subject Clear:

Keep your subject and salutations clear and precise. Don’t write an informal scattered subject. Keep it to the point, and keep it short.

3. Be Polite:

Keep your tone polite. Don’t start your email with a negative or shouting tone. Always, try to be as humble as you can.

4. Avoid Symbols And Emojis

Be it a formal email or an informal one, you should avoid the usage of symbols and emojis.

5. Closings:

Make sure you close your email nicely. Always mention ‘Regards’ at the end of the email. Also, give it a cross-check once you finish writing your email so that no grammatical errors are left behind.

Wrapping Up:

Here comes an end to our post about how to address two people in an email. Properly drafting an email is crucial as it relays your message and intent in written words. Thus, knowing basic email etiquette is vital to write an email address to two or more people. This is how to write an email addressed to two persons!

When sending a cold email to multiple recipients, it’s important to follow proper protocol. Where “hello followed by a name” will work in informal or personal emails, the same doesn’t go for professional or formal emails. You have to properly address the person with “Dear followed by their last name” while addressing people in a professional email.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. How Do You Address An Email To Multiple Recipients?

If you are addressing an email to multiple recipients, then you should write collective nouns followed by greetings like

“Dear/Good Morning Colleagues/ team members”

Q. How Do You Address 2 People In An Official Email?

In a formal mail meant for two people, you can write the salutation as 

“Dear Mr./Ms./Mrs. X and Mr./Ms./Mrs. Y
Good Morning Mr./Ms./Mrs. X and Mr./Ms./Mrs. Y”

The last name of the main recipient to who you are addressing the mail should be written first followed by the other recipient. 

Q. Can We Address Two Persons In An Email?

You can easily address two persons in an email by separating the names with commas. All address owners can see the other email address. Or you can put the emails in the BCC section or type BCC: and then all the emails are separated by commas.

Q. How Do You Address An Envelope To Multiple People?

In a business letter, write the first person’s name, then a comma, then their title at the company after the comma. On a new line, write the next person’s name, title, and so on.

Q. Can You Have Separated Greetings In One Email?

Yes, you can have separate greetings in one mail, be it formal or informal. Let us explain it to you with the help of an example. Suppose you are addressing two people in an email. they are Jack and Jill. You can write
“Greetings Jack and Jill”
Or you can also write,
“Greetings Jack
Greetings Jill”
in two different lines.

Q. How To Address Two People In An Email?

While addressing two or more people in your email. Keep in mind to mention every person’s name in the solution. For example,
1. Good Evening, Tom, Mia, and Harry
2. Dear Monica, Rachael, and Pheobe
3. Hello Chandler, Ross, and Joey

Q. How To Address Two Bosses In An Email?

When you want to address two bosses in an Email, you can write the salutation as:
“Dear Mr./Ms./Mrs. X and Mr./Ms./Mrs. Y
Good Morning Mr./Ms./Mrs. X and Mr./Ms./Mrs. Y”
this will help you to solve your problem of how to address two bosses in an email.

Q. How Do You Address An Email To A Group?

When you address an email to a larger group, you can use a common salutation: Dear Team. In the case of an email reply, use a salutation in the first reply. However, First, make sure you know which name goes where by looking through their profiles. you can also add “also know as” according to their designation. The most senior member of the group is generally best served last. After the first reply, it is no longer necessary to keep using a salutation. Think of the email chain as being in a conversation: You don’t need to keep saying the person’s name every time you reply. This is how to address 2 people in an email.


Mona is a language learner who likes to read manga in her leisure time. She holds a postgraduate degree in East Asian Studies and wants to research on Chinese economy and society.

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2 Responses

  1. Archie says:

    Good Evening, I am writing to ask for help/guidance about making a letter of intent using this format as I am not good in English and need to submit a letter for my application. I hope you can guide and help me with the format of the letter I am going to make. Thank you very much
    *below is the format*
    This must be addressed to the Dean (i.e Dr. X)
    through the Chairperson (i.e Dr. Y)
    and email to
    (I don’t understand this part, sorry…should I send two email separately to different names)

    The applicant must indicate his/her contact number and email address below his/her name in the letter.

    I hope you can help me. Thank you very much

    • Shubham Attri says:

      Hey, Archie. You don’t need to send different emails. Only one will do. The contact number must be added to the regards section of the letter.

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