What Does Renew Lease On Wi-Fi Mean | How To Renew It?

What Does Renew Lease On Wi-Fi Mean

Are you facing issues connecting to a wireless network? Or, are you facing any other internet issues? There could be many reasons that you are facing Wi-Fi or internet issues and the most important one is the invalid or the expired IP address from your router. So, what do you do in this case? Well, you have to renew the lease on Wi-Fi. But do you know what does renew lease on Wi-Fi mean?

When the Wi-Fi doesn’t work, we always check the wireless router. Don’t we? We try to restart our router, but sometimes that may not work. At times, this issue could be because of the router’s connection which is caused by the device’s settings. 

Now let’s come back to your question, what does renew lease on Wi-Fi mean? Well, your devices need to ask for a new IP address from the router. Do you know why? It is because the IP address that was earlier assigned to the router is not available anymore. You will have to click on the renew lease button which you find in the Wi-Fi information menu. Or, you can even turn off Wi-Fi and turn it on again to renew the lease.

But, this is not the end of the story. Below we have listed detailed information about the meaning of renewing lease on Wi-Fi and more info just for you so that everything is absolutely crystal clear to you.

What Does Renew Lease On Wi-Fi Mean?

What Does Renew Lease On Wi-Fi Mean

What does Renew Lease on Wi-Fi mean? Do you know what happens when you connect to a Wi-Fi network? Well, the Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) will assign your device a temporary IP address just for the dial-in session. This is known as Lease.

You will see that the online IP address will change on its own for the new session. But, if you talk about renewing a lease it means that you have to manually change the IP address on your mobile or any other device that you are using. When you release and renew your IP address manually then it will help to solve the given problems:

  1. The general problem with the internet connection will be solved.
  2. Internet connection breakage because of the reconfiguration of the router.
  3. Your current IP address will block by any website.

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How To Renew Wi-Fi Lease On iPhone X, 11, 12?

Now that you do know what does renew lease on Wi-Fi mean, let’s get to know how to renew Wi-Fi lease on iPhone models:

  1. First, go to the settings menu and then select the Wi-Fi option.
  2. Adjacent to the network that you are trying to connect you will find an information icon. Click on it.
  3. Scroll down, you will find the Renew lease option. Click on it.
  4. Now you need to again press the renew lease option to confirm your activity.

Will Renew Lease Change Your IP Address?

Yes, renewing lease will change your IP address. The Internet Service Provider will assign the IP address to the devices when you connect your device to a Wi-Fi network using the router. When you renew the lease Wi-Fi then the present Wi-Fi address on your router will be canceled. Then the DHCP of your router will give you a new IP address.

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When Do You Need To Renew Lease?

At times you need to renew your IP address lease manually. You could face this problem when you try to connect to the server that is your router. Or it could so happen that you are connecting to the wrong server if there are many servers.

You could face these problems because of power fluctuations during the process of renewable or because of software bugs. So, if you renew lease, it will not cause any harm at all. When you press the renewable lease button it simply means that you are turning on and off your Wi-Fi.

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How To Renew IP Address Wi-Fi On iOS Devices?

If you are facing Wi-Fi connection problems on your iOS devices, then here are a few steps to renew your IP address.

  1. On your iOS device open the Settings app.
  2. Now from the given menu click on the Wi-Fi option.
  3. Next, you have to press on the “I” icon of the Wi-Fi network that you are at present connected to.
  4. Now, scroll down and then click on the renew lease button.
  5. At the bottom of the screen, you will again find the renew lease button. Click on it so that you renew lease Wi-Fi.
  6. Then the router will reassign you to another IP address and will also reset your phone connection.

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How To Renew Lease Wi-Fi On Android Devices?

Here are a few steps that you need to follow:

  1. On your device go to the settings menu.
  2. From the settings menu, you have to open the connections.
  3. Click on the gear button present on the right-hand side of the network that your device is at present connected to.
  4. At the lower right corner of the screen, you will see a Forget button. Click on it.
  5. This button will disconnect the wireless connection with your router.
  6. Now, enter all your credentials again and then, join and connect again to the wireless network.
  7. The router will then reassign a new IP address to your router after you reset the network.

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Wrapping Up:

So now you know what does renew lease on Wi-Fi means. Also, we have given you a few easy peasy methods on how you can renew lease Wi-Fi both on your Android and iOS device.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. What Happens When You Renew Your iPad Lease?

When you renew your lease then you are actually telling your iPad to look for the network for a new IP address. With time your ISP can also change your IP address when the IP address lease expires.

Q. How Long Will It Take To Renew A Lease On Wi-Fi?

The time taken to renew the Wi-Fi lease will depend on how long it will take for your device to find the new IP address. It is a very fast process. But if you see that there are not many IP addresses available, it may take more time than expected.

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