How To Make Cryptovoxels Wearables? Style Your Avatar!

Do you want your avatar to look the best in the Metaverse? Yes? Then, start creating unique and fancy wearables for it. The major question here is how to do so? Well, here is a complete guide on ‘How to make Cryptovoxels wearables’.

Cryptovoxels have been a popular Metaverse. Avatars here have been something unusual. If you want to make your avatar different from others, you can do so by making wearables. You can show off your creativity here in Cryptovoxels!   

Are you eager to know more? So, let us start with the post on how to make Cryptovoxels wearables. But before moving towards making wearables, let us first briefly discuss what wearables are in Cryptovoxels!

What Are Wearables?  

Wearables are the accessories that are used for decorating the avatars in Cryptovoxels. These wearables come in all types, sizes, and shapes. One can create these wearables and even sell them. Wearables are Non-Fungible Tokens and have a marketplace in the OpenSea. Wearables can be scarfs, hats, skirts, sneakers, trousers, shoes, and so on. Wearables can be attached to various parts of the body like the head, feet, hips, shoulders, and others. 

Let us now focus on how to make Cryptovoxels wearables!

Steps On How To Make Cryptovoxels Wearables

Here are the steps that you need to follow to know how to make Cryptovoxels Wearables. Let us go through these steps one by one.

1. Prerequisite

The first thing that you need to know is that wearables live in a collection. You need to own a parcel for creating a collection. You can only have one collection per parcel that is owned by you. Apart from this, you also require Matic or ETH for transactions. A digital wallet is also required like MetaMask.

Finally, take care of community guidelines for your wearables. 

2. Create Vox Model

You will require a MagicaVoxel for creating a Vox Model. It is a free art editor program. All you need to do is to download and install it. After opening it, you will find 40 40 40 written on top. You need to change it to 32 32 32 and press enter.

You can now use MagicaVoxel for creating the wearables. 

You can even import file types like PNGs by just dragging them to MagicaVoxel. You can also use Shaders and Palettes by going to the Shader folder and Palette folder. You can access them either from the right panel or console at the bottom.

3. Save The Vox

Once you have created the wearables, it is time to save them. But don’t forget to keep the canvas as 32x32x32. 

4. Upload The Wearable

After saving the wearables, now you can upload them. You will have two options for this. For this,

  • Submit the Wearables to a public collection.
  • Mint the Wearables to your collection.

If you are thinking of choosing the first option, the best part is that someone else will manage the collection and he will pay minting fees for that. But, the owner is eligible for royalty fees through OpenSea Marketplace. 

5. Creating Collection

You can create a collection of wearables. Players will find your collection on the website of Cryptovoxels or OpenSea. 

  • Open Cryptovoxels and log in with your wallet.
  • Click on the Marketplace at the top.
  • Click on Collections.
  • Press Make Your Own, then scroll down and click on Create a collection.
  • Select a Chain Id(Matic) and press Next.
  • You may be asked to switch networks, press Switch Network if asked, and ignore if not.
  • Fill in the information and click on Save & Next.
  • Write a name for the contract and press Upload and Deploy.
  • You require Matic on Matic Mainnet, if you have it then click on Confirm.
  • You will find confirmation after it successfully deploys.
  • Fill in the missing information, click on the checkbox and press Submit.
  • You will find a message with a green background. Click on Click here to see it and then press Admin.

Congratulations! You have successfully created a collection.

6. Minting Wearable

Now it is time to mint your wearable. Visit the collection page and confirm if you are signed in. This part can be skipped if you want to submit it to a public collection.

  • Click on Mint and enter the name and description.
  • You can set the amount of Issues and press Choose the file to select the VOX file.
  • Click on the checkbox and then press Submit.
  • You can now view your submission in Collectible Submissions. Then press Mint.
  • A pop-up would appear with a small amount of gas fees. Click on Confirm

With this, you have minted the wearable!

If you want to submit to a public collection, you visit the collection page and press Available to the public. Choose the collection and then press Submit. Fill in the information and press Submit. Now the collection owner needs to mint the wearable and you will receive a message once it is minted.

7. Trading Wearable

It is time to trade the wearable. So for transferring through Cryptovoxels, you can now head towards the wearable that you want to send and then press Transfer at the bottom. Then fill in the pop-up that appears asking whom to transfer and how many, press Transfer. After that confirm the address and press Ok. Confirm the transaction on your wallet to continue.  

You can also trade on OpenSea by simply heading towards the Wearable on the OpenSea and then press Transfer at the top.

8. Sell The Wearable

For selling your wearable, you need to price it on OpenSea. For that choose an item from your collection Cryptovoxels page and press Buy Now. You will reach the OpenSea page and the wearable will be rotating. Press Sell and now put the amount you want to sell it in the ETH. You can fill it up and then hit on Complete Listing. With this, you have put your wearable for sale!   You can set royalties and customize your collection. Not just this, you can even set up attributes for the wearables.  


We hope that it was an interesting concept for you to learn about how to make Cryptovoxels wearables. So, why are you waiting? Try making wearables and enjoy!! 

If you liked the post share it with others and you can also ask us queries if any in the comment box below. We will answer them shortly!    

Rahul Gupta

Rahul functions as the head of the company’s Research & Insights division. A seasoned Digital Marketing Expert with more than 10 years in Organic Marketing, Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Business Development, Lead Generation, Management, Customer Acquisition, building diverse portfolios of websites, growing online presence for many tech brands and others.

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