How To Hide Profile Picture From Specific Contacts On WhatsApp: Few Easy Steps!

How To Hide Profile Picture From Specific Contacts On WhatsApp

With two billion active users WhatsApp is one of the most popular global mobile messenger. You can message your friends and family instantly. You can stay in touch with them and share photos and videos as well. It also provides end-to-end encryption so that all your data is secured and well protected between you and the other person. It ensures the privacy of its user but many people often question how to hide profile picture from specific contacts on WhatsApp.

WhatsApp provides its users with different features and mostly it is quite easy to find but there are some features like how to hide profile picture from specific contacts on WhatsApp. This can get a little tricky for a few people but it is not that difficult, you can easily change it according to your convenience. 

If you are also wondering how to hide profile picture from specific contacts on WhatsApp then you are at the right place. It is not that difficult, you simply have to change the Privacy settings from the settings tab.  This article will give you all the information that you need so you can easily hide profile picture from specific contacts on WhatsApp.

How To Hide Profile Picture From Specific Contacts On WhatsApp

To hide profile picture from specific contacts on WhatsApp, go to the settings option > Account > Privacy > Profile picture > My contacts expect > Select the contact > Done

If you are also wondering how can you hide profile picture from specific contacts on WhatsApp then you follow the given steps below:

Step 1: Open your WhatsApp

Step 2: At the bottom right corner, click on the Settings option

Step 3: Click on “Account”

How To Hide Profile Picture From Specific Contacts On WhatsApp

Step 4: Click on the “Privacy”

How To Hide Profile Picture From Specific Contacts On WhatsApp

Step 5: Now tap on “Profile picture”

How To Hide Profile Picture From Specific Contacts On WhatsApp

Step 6: Then click on “My contacts except..”

Step 7: Choose the contact that you don’t want to see your profile picture

Step 8: Click on “done” and you can hide profile picture from specific contact on WhatsApp

How To Hide Profile Picture From Specific Contacts On WhatsApp

How To Hide Profile Picture From Outsiders On WhatsApp?

To hide your profile picture from outsiders on WhatsApp, go to Settings > Account > Privacy > Profile picture > My contacts

Some people are highly concerned about their privacy and they are not comfortable with outsiders viewing their profile pictures. In such cases, WhatsApp gives the users the option to hide their profile pictures from people who are not in their contact. You can do that by following the given steps below:

Step 1: Go to your WhatsApp

Step 2: Go to “Settings” and then click on “Account”

How To Hide Profile Picture From Specific Contacts On WhatsApp

Step 3: Tap on the privacy option and select “Profile picture”

Step 4: Now click on My contacts and you will be done. 

How To Hide Profile Picture From Specific Contacts On WhatsApp

Also Read: WhatsApp Statuses On Chat Page

How To Hide Profile Picture From Everyone On WhatsApp?

To hide your profile picture from everyone on WhatsApp, go to settings > Account > Privacy > Profile picture > Nobody

If you don’t want anyone to see your profile picture then WhatsApp provides you with that option as well. You can follow the given steps below to hide your profile picture from everyone on Whatsapp:

Step 1: Go to your WhatsApp

Step 2: Go to “Settings” and then click on “Account”

How To Hide Profile Picture From Specific Contacts On WhatsApp

Step 3: Tap on the privacy option and then click on “Profile picture”

How To Hide Profile Picture From Specific Contacts On WhatsApp

Step 4: Now tap the “Nobody” option and you will be done. 

How To Hide Profile Picture From Specific Contacts On WhatsApp

What Happens When Someone Hides Profile Picture On WhatsApp

When someone hides their profile picture on WhatsApp then you can longer view their profile picture. You can still send and receive messages normally, there is no change except for the fact you cannot see their profile picture. You can see a big circle with a person icon in the place of that person’s WhatsApp profile picture. 

Also Read: How To Transfer Whatsapp Chat From Android To iPhone | 5 Simple Steps To Go!

Wrapping Up

There is nothing complicated when it comes to hide profile picture from specific contacts on WhatsApp. You can do that in just a few easy steps. The above mentioned are some ways that will help you hide profile picture from specific contacts or everyone also. You can also limit your profile picture to your contacts. This article will provide you with all the instructions that you need to hide profile picture from specific contact on WhatsApp.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can You Hide WhatsApp Profile Picture From Certain Contacts?

Yes, you can hide profile picture from specific contacts on WhatsApp then you can follow the given steps below: 

To hide profile picture from specific contacts on WhatsApp, go to the settings option > Account > Privacy > Profile picture > My contacts expect > Select the contact > Done

Step 1: Open your WhatsApp

Step 2: At the bottom right corner, click on the Settings option

Step 3: Click on “Account”

Step 4: Click on the “Privacy”

Step 5: Now tap on “Profile picture”

Step 6: Then click on “My contacts except..”

Step 7: Choose the contact that you don’t want to see your profile picture

Step 8: Click on “done” and you can hide profile picture from specific contact on WhatsApp

Can You Hide WhatsApp Profile Picture From Everyone?

Yes, you can do that. If you don’t want anyone to see your profile picture then WhatsApp provides you with that option as well. You can follow the given steps below to hide your profile picture from everyone on Whatsapp:

To hide your profile picture from everyone on WhatsApp, go to settings > Account > Privacy > Profile picture > Nobody

Step 1: Go to your WhatsApp

Step 2: Go to “Settings” and then click on “Account”

Step 3: Tap on the privacy option and then click on “Profile picture”

Step 4: Now tap the “Nobody” option and you will be done. 

How Can You Know If Someone Has Hidden Their Profile Picture On WhatsApp?

When someone hides their profile picture on WhatsApp then you can longer view their profile picture. You can still send and receive messages normally, there is no change except for the fact you cannot see their profile picture. You can see a big circle with a person icon in the place of that person’s WhatsApp profile picture.

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