How To Delete Call Logs On Discord? 2 Easy Ways To Delete Discord Call History!

Discord is a very popular app and helps to keep the communication going. Be it sharing a Netflix screen on Discord with your friends, or streaming popular games, Discord has grown so much over time. But as the popularity increases so do the privacy concerns increases. We all know that today privacy has become a great concern online. There could be times when you just want to get rid of your call history or DMS. But in the Discord platform, this somehow seems difficult. So if you are looking for a solution on how to delete discord call history then you have come to the right place. So let’s learn about delete Discord call history.

Though privacy should be left unreserved as it is every person for themselves when we talk about data and privacy protection. However as far as you know what you are doing then it’s fine, but if you don’t know then it might be a problem. Since Discord is used by millions to chat, call either through video or voice, even many people are using Discord to build a community to grow their business. Keeping all these factors in mind, privacy is something that you should be concerned about.

However discord can be really helpful if you want to hold on to the messages and calls, but to some, it can be a nightmare. So if you are looking for an answer on how to delete call logs on Discord then here we will discuss some of the ways by which you can do so. However, there are many ways by which you can delete discord call history, but not all of them are perfect.

With the release of Discord, the concept of group chats and instant messages changed forever.  But before Discord came into being you must have been using the newer Skype, MSN Messenger, AOL Instant Messenger. However, the last two no more exists. But the newer Skype has suffered a lot after Discord became a popular social media app. 

Different Ways To Delete Call Logs On Discord

Here are some of the ways by which you can delete call history discord. But as mentioned earlier these are not perfect. Follow these steps and see what works best for you!

How To Delete Call Logs On Discord With Hotkeys?

How To Delete Call Logs On Discord With Hotkeys

This is one of the natural ways by which you can delete call logs on Discord. Given below are the steps that you need to follow to Discord delete call history:

  • Open your Discord app
  • Glide over It to open the hamburger menu on the right side of the screen
  • Next, you need to click on that icon and choose Delete
  • Confirm your choice by clicking on the delete button again

By following these you can solve your issue of how to delete calls on Discord.

How To Delete Call Logs On Discord With Bots?

How To Delete Call Logs On Discord With Bots

First things first here you will not get instruction on how you can delete call logs on Discord with bots but here you will know that this is also possible. Over the years Discord has discouraged the use of self-bots to label it a violation of terms. So if you use self bots you can put your account at risk of termination so it is suggested that you better not do it. But there are many users who have used self bots and they say that these are not harmful and will not lead to termination from the app. So it is best that you make your own decision. This will help you to solve your issue of how to delete discord call history.

A self-bot is a user account that runs on Discord API token. Today discord needs to track and tag the bots via Developer Portal. A self-bot avoids this and gives access to the standard user account. This is done to automate many tasks. Deleting call logs is one of them. So this clears your doubt can you delete call history on Discord?

Do You Think Your Discord Calls Are Getting Recorded?

As far as the question comes whether the discord calls are getting recorded or not, then the answer is No, as far as we know. Discord encryption is end-to-end but as the nation-state theoretically records them then why would they record? There are many people who spend millions of hours chatting on Discord every year. So if someone is trying to record these calls the storage would be really huge. Though theoretically, discord can record calls. 

However, as this is encrypted all the calls go through the discord servers. The privacy policy says that they keep the messages and VoIP data as this helps to maintain services. However, this does not mean that the actual voice calls are getting recorded. So this makes clear how to delete call history on Discord.

Discord Privacy Policy

Discord Privacy Policy

Here is what Discord’s privacy policy states. So when you read it you will get proper insights into all the privacy situations. Let’s know about it.

  • The messages that you delete gets deleted permanently.
  • The images and/or files that you chose to remove are deleted immediately from Discord servers. However, these still are presently cached either locally or on Cloudflare, but you will not find them on Discord. Moreover, when the cache is cleared, they are gone from everywhere.
  • Discord does not monitor the activities of the server. Privacy is a huge concern nowadays. So when someone reports either of Tos Violating behavior or illegal and provides proof of their claim, only then does the discord invade the privacy. However, even at that time, the discord only looked at the materials that were related to the claim. Discord does not joins any server to read chats or to look for violations.
  • Discord does not monitor the video or voice chats. Monitoring them is even possible or not the staff is not aware of it however there is no reason why anyone would do it.
  • The audio or video calls are end-to-end encrypted. However, if a bot joins a call, then recording the calls could be possible. But such a thing would be very complicated, and it would be very obvious if it is a bot account. You can easily take a screenshot, but to do that, you have to be a member of the call.
  • Lastly the IPs are internally stored. However the main reason behind this is to ban IP.


 So to conclude by now you must have received the answer to your question on how to delete call logs on Discord. As there is no direct way to delete it you can try the above two methods to delete your call logs on Discord.

If you found this information helpful, do share the post with your friends and family too. Also, if you have any other queries regarding the Discord App, do reach out in the comments section below.

Frequently Asked Questions

How Can You Opt-Out Of Discord Calls On Android Mobile?

Have you ever tried to set Do not disturb in Discord or tried to mute the DM? However, if both these options don’t work and if you are on Android 8.0+. So the next time you get a call then you can do the following steps:
Hold down the notification till it changes
Next on the top right of notification click on (i) icon 
Then when the settings open tap on notifications
Now disable the notification type which flashes when that settings page open. You can even tap on the option and edit it. Then you will see the notification and not full call.

How Can You Remove Someone From Private Discord Call?

To remove someone from private discord call here are some steps that you need to follow:
You need to click on Kick under administrative header
You will get a confirmation window
Click on Kick again to confirm
Now you have removed that member from the chat. If you want to bring that person back then you have to invite them again so that they can get access to it.

Koushal Jaral

Koushal is an Associate Content Writer at TopHillSport. He is one of the most passionate writers whose fondness for video games has made him write about trending Video Games, their live streaming & Discord, daily for a living. Any How to, FAQ, or any other troubleshoot for any Video Game is available with Koushal 24x7.

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