Are you tired of waiting for your sent follow requests on Instagram to be accepted? Then you must be looking for ways to cancel all sent follow requests on Instagram. Well, this could be a tiring process for you if you have sent follow requests on Instagram to many users.
Instagram is one the most popular social networking apps, with over 1.22 billion users from all over the world, making it one of the largest markets with unlimited business opportunities for marketing to the target audience. This has led to the rise of business accounts on Instagram, with large and small business units taking to the platform to reach out to potential customers, from all over the world.
Instagram has recently increased the security in the app, to protect the privacy of the users. This has resulted in many accounts going ‘Private’. You will not be able to follow a private account directly. You should send a follow request first and wait for the private account to accept it and follow you.
If you get tired of waiting for the private accounts to accept you and want to cancel all sent follow requests on Instagram, you can do so by the following, Open Instagram in web browser > Login > Settings > Privacy & Security > Edit URL > Connections tab > Current Follow requests > View all > Cancel Requests
However, this could be a tiring process as not all Private accounts respond to the sent follow requests on Instagram immediately. Most big accounts, with a large follower base, will receive thousands of sent follow requests on Instagram on a daily basis. So, it might take a while for them to see your sent follow request and approve it.
How To Cancel All Sent Follow Requests On Instagram?
Have you started a new business account on Instagram? Then you must be looking for ways to increase your follower count. You must find it difficult to gain new followers after getting the first 1000 followers, which mostly consists of your friends and family.
The best way to gain more followers is to open the Instagram page of big Instagram accounts that are similar to yours, and send follow requests to their followers, hoping that they will accept and follow you back. However, this might not work out at all times and some users might not respond to your request.
After waiting for a long period of time, it is understandable that you might get frustrated, and want to cancel all sent follow requests on Instagram. however, this is not currently possible to cancel all sent follow requests on Instagram at the same time. Instagram allows you to cancel only up to 10 sent follow requests at a time. You will have to wait for 24 hours before you get the opportunity to cancel the next 10 requests.
Let us see how to cancel all sent follow requests on Instagram.
Cancel All Sent Follow Requests On Instagram Via Browser
Follow these steps to cancel all sent follow requests on Instagram app in your smartphone – iPhones and Android.
Open Instagram in web browser > Login > Settings > Privacy & Security > Edit URL > Connections tab > Current Follow requests > View all > Cancel Requests
Step 1 – Open Google Chrome.
Step 2 – Search for
Step 3 – Login to your account if necessary.

Step 4 – Click on your Profile icon at the bottom right corner of the page.
Step 5 – Click on the Setting icon at the top left corner.

Step 6 – Select Privacy & security.

Step 7 – Click on the address bar.

Step 8 – Edit the url by typing in “/access_tool/”

Step 9 – You will now notice that there are various additions to your Privacy & Security settings.
Step 10 – Scroll down to the Connections tab.
Step 11 – Click on Current Follow Requests > View all.

Step 12– You will be able to view the list of accounts you have sent follow request to.

Step 13 – Copy the link of the username.
Step 14 – Paste it in your Instagram search bar.
Step 15 – Click on Requested to cancel the sent follow requests on Instagram.

Instagram will display only ten follow requests at a time. You will be able to cancel all sent follow requests on Instagram manually, by following the instructions mentioned above.
Instagram does not allow users to send more than ten follow requests at a time, as a new measure to protect the privacy of the users. you will also be able to cancel only limited follow requests, one at a time.
Wrap Up
Users were previously allowed to cancel all sent follow requests on Instagram. However, recent updates have denied users the easy way to cancel all sent follow requests on Instagram, as a privacy measure to protect the security of all users. Users should no longer send follow requests to random people and use the platform to stay connected with necessary accounts. Instead of emphasizing the number of followers and view counts, let us use Instagram as the social networking platform that is the way it was intended to be used for, to stay connected.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q1. How Do You Cancel All Follow Requests At Once?
You can no longer cancel all sent follow requests on Instagram at once. New updates have made it essential to do so manually, one by one, as a security measure to protect the privacy of the users.
Q2. How To Cancel Follow Requests On Instagram?
Go to the Profile of the user that you sent the following request to. Click on the ‘Requested’ button to unfollow them.
Q3. Do Follow Requests Ever Expire?
No. All follow requests that you send on Instagram will not expire. They will also not be removed automatically from your received follow requests. You will have to accept or deny them manually if you do not want them to clutter.