Etsy Payment Not Working | 4 Quick Fixes To Try!!

Do you know about Etsy? Do you use Etsy payments? Is your Etsy payment not working, just like others? Well, of late there are many users who are facing issues with Etsy payments. If that is the issue with you too, then you have come to the right place. Etsy payments are one of the primary ways by which you can get paid on Etsy and it also simplifies the payments for both you as well as the buyers.

Etsy payments were earlier known as Direct Checkout is perhaps Etsy’s own payment system that will allow you to offer various different payment options to the buyers. These include Visa, American Express, Apple Pay, iDEAL, and lots more options. It even allows the buyers to pay in their local currency and this means that you will be included in the multi-shop checkout and other Etsy-wide promotions.

Now, since there are many users who are facing issues with Etsy payment not working, let’s take a look at the possible solutions that will help us solve this issue. If you see that your Etsy payments are giving you trouble, then you can try to update the payment information for your order, check your security authentication answer, authorize the transaction, and register your credit card.

Below you will find the quick fixes that will help you to get over the issues that you are facing with Etsy payments. So, without wasting any more time let’s quickly get started.

What Are Etsy Payments?

Etsy Payment Not Working

Let us know what is Etsy payment before we know about Etsy Payment Not Working. Well, Etsy payments are the very own payment system of Etsy which was earlier known as Direct Checkout. This provides you with many different payment options for the buyers which include Android pay, gift cards, American Express, Discover, Sorfort (Austria and Germany), discover, Mastercard, Visa, Apple Pay, and iDEAL (Netherlands). Moreover, it even allows the buyers to pay in their local currency. Do you what it means? Well, this means that buyers can pay in their local currency? Well, it means that you will get included in the multi-shop checkout and other Etsy-wide promotions.

Sales will get deposited in your bank account in your local currency no matter how the buyer has paid. You will be able to create your own schedule for the bank deposits either monthly, daily, weekly, or biweekly. Moreover, you can even request additional deposits at any time. There are many sellers who choose to get paid weekly. When you use Etsy, it means that you will qualify for Etsy’s seller protection policy.

Etsy Payment Not Working

Since there are many other users just like you who are facing issues with the Etsy payment not working, so, here we have found a few solutions for you that will help you fix this issue. Let’s begin.

1.    Update The Payment Information For Your Order

Etsy Payment Not Working

If you have an Etsy account, then you might have saved your information and could be that it is out of date. Check whether your billing address has changed or not recently, check whether you got a new card with the expiration date or not. If you are using a credit card for the first time, then ensure that you have entered your card information correctly. You can even update your saved payment details with the help of these steps:

  1. Go to your Etsy account on If you are using the Etsy app, then go to you section.
  2. Now, you have to go to the account settings option.
  3. Click on the credit cards option.
  4. Then, choose edit on your card that you want to update and then select the save option.

2.    Authorize The Transaction With Your Bank

Authorize The Transaction With Your Bank

It could be that your bank may show up unexpected activity on your account. This may include first-time orders and high-value purchases regardless of the number of funds or credit limit that is available. If that is the case, then your bank may need verbal authorization so that it can proceed with the transaction.

3.    Check Your Daily Withdrawal Or Purchase Limit

Etsy Payment Not Working

There are many banks that have limits on how much money can be accessed or charged on a single day. If you reach that limit, then your bank will block your account, so that you don’t take any further activity even if you have funds available in your bank account.

In this case, you have to request a higher purchase limit so that you can complete the payment. If you purchase from many shops at once, then your debit or credit card will take it as one transaction.

If your card is not approved then the whole transaction will fail. If you have reached your bank’s limit then you have to reduce the number of transactions. You can easily do this by moving some items to the saved for later section present in your cart.

4.    If You Are In The EEA: Check For Your Security Authentication Answer

If You Are In The EEA: Check For Your Security Authentication Answer

If you are in the EEA which consists of the EU, Iceland, Norway, and Liechtenstein, then you may be asked to authenticate your payment when you place your order.

If you want to authenticate the payment then you have to respond to the prompt from your card issuer and give more information. Depending on your card issuer this extra information that you provided will include the correct response to the question, passcode, and password.

If you give the wrong answer then either you will get an error at checkout or get an email that lets you know why your order could not be completed. You can even try to complete the order again or try a different payment method.

Wrapping Up:

That is all about Etsy payment not working. The fixes that we have mentioned below will help you to solve the issues with the Etsy payment that you are facing. If you have any questions, you can reach us in the comment section below.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. Do You Need Etsy Payments?

If you are a new seller, then the answer is yes. To make the Etsy seller account you need to enroll in Etsy payments. But if you are not a new seller and you take payments through PayPal, then you may not need to enroll.

Q. What Are The Fees For Using Etsy Payments?

Etsy payments do take a processing fee that is typically 3% to 4% of the total sales price along with the flat order fee. There is also a currency conversion fee along with the deposit fee that may apply.

Zahra Akhter

Welcome to tech world readers! Zahra Akhter is a compassionate tech content writer. With each of her content, she grabs social media attention. She gets to learn more about new things every day.

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