Does iOS 16 Drain Battery? How To Fix iOS 16 Beta Battery Life

Does iOS 16 Drain Battery

Does iOS 16 Drain Battery? Adding to the remorse of iPhone users, the iOS 16 Beta update is draining iPhone’s battery life. The iPhone users were waiting for this iOS 16 for so long to fix several bug issues. When Apple claimed to fix almost all of the issues in the current iOS update, people started reporting this new issue. However, still many are confused, Does iOS 16 Drain Battery?

Does iOS 16 Drain Battery Life? If you installed iOS 16 this week, you might have noticed that your iPhone’s battery is depleting more quickly than you remember it did before. There are a number of reasons why you might find your battery depleting a little bit faster in the days after the update, despite the fact that you might be quick to blame the update itself.

The announcement of the new line-up of smart devices, which includes the new iPhone 14, Apple Watch, and AirPods Pro models, was made by the tech giant just a few days prior. And while some people adore the modern appearance and sophistication of their devices, other users from all over the world have observed that the new update has reduced their battery life. Do you still have the same question – Does iOS 16 Drain Battery? Let’s go through the article to find out.

Does iOS 16 Drain Battery? What Are The New Features

A new battery % indicator, editing in iMessages, and a revamped Lock Screen are just a few of the many new features that iOS 16 adds to your iPhone. A new support page, however, cautions that one of the best might reduce battery life to answer your question – Does iOS 16 Drain Battery?

Apple explains how to activate the new iPhone keyboard vibration when typing in a support post titled “Change how your iPhone keyboard sounds or vibrates when you’re typing.” One of our favorite new iOS 16 features is the ability to enable haptics while typing for the first time. Although we wholeheartedly advise turning it on, Apple cautions that there may be a cost.

Does iOS 16 Drain Battery? To answer your question – Apple warns that turning on keyboard haptics “may degrade the battery life of your iPhone” in small language beneath the instructions. It’s a strange disclaimer because, despite some users’ complaints about iOS 16’s battery life, haptics isn’t the kind of feature you’d anticipate to have a large impact on longevity. Next week, Apple will release an update that may fix some of the more significant problems. It’s unlikely that the haptic keyboard will change, though. Although we’ve had haptics enabled on our phones from day one, we haven’t noticed any difference in battery life. However, if you notice that your battery is depleting more quickly after upgrading to iOS 16, that could be the issue.

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How To Fix Bad iOS 16 Beta Battery Life

If you are still for the answer – Does iOS 16 Drain Battery? It means, you may know the reason but are not sure how to fix it. Following are the five fixes we have tried so far and the solution to this error we are recommending for you: 

1. Restart Your iPhone

Does iOS 16 Drain Battery? Restarting your phone might be the fastest solution. We advise resetting your iPhone first if you experience high battery drain when using the iOS 16 beta. Turn off your iPhone, wait a while, then turn it back on. The performance of your smartphone can be significantly improved by a fast reset.

2. Check Apps On Your iPhone

Does iOS 16 Drain Battery? Here is the second solution for you. On iOS beta software, both first-party and third-party apps are prone to behaving up, and there is a significant probability that they are the cause of your issues. On iOS 16 beta, checking app performance is incredibly simple, and you should be able to identify the problem, if there is one, in just a few minutes. How to do it is as follows:

Go to Settings app>> Choose Battery>> Battery Usage tool>> Find The Frequently Used App

A battery drains faster from a frequently used app than one that is rarely used. Having said that, you should look into something more if you see something that doesn’t seem right. If you see an app using an excessive amount of battery, try removing the program from your smartphone to see if that extends the battery life of your iPhone. We advise installing the most recent version of the OS is crucial to your routine. You might need to downgrade back to iOS 15 if that doesn’t work and you really need the app to get through the day.

3. Reset All Settings

Resetting all settings is the #3 solution to – Does iOS 16 Drain Battery? If you find that the issue isn’t being caused by your apps, consider wiping all of your iPhone’s settings clean. Make sure you have your credentials on hand before doing this because it will make your phone forget known Wi-Fi networks as well as Bluetooth connections.

Here’s how to clear every setting on your iPhone:

Access Settings>> Visit General>> Go to iPhone Transfer or Reset>> Press Reset.

You’ll need to be patient because this could take a few seconds.

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4. Downgrade Back To iOS 15

Downgrade your iOS? The easiest solution to – Does iOS 16 Drain Battery? You can revert to iOS 15 if a manual repair is not available and/or you don’t want to wait for the following iOS 16 beta release from Apple. Although you will always have the option to downgrade, your available selections may change over time. Only iOS 15.6.1 can be downgraded, unfortunately. Because Apple has stopped longer signing on to earlier versions of iOS, you cannot downgrade to anything older than that.

5. Wait For the Next iOS 16 Beta Update

Unable to fix – Does iOS 16 Drain Battery? Just wait it out. New iOS 16 beta software will be released by Apple occasionally. Even while the firm might not specifically mention battery life fixes in the change log, new beta software can always help to solve these issues. Try updating your iPhone’s iOS 16 beta software if it is still in use.

Wrapping Up

By now, you must have answered – does iOS 16 Drain Battery? Unfortunately, the answer is ‘Yes’. Try all the five solutions mentioned in this article. Still, have the issue? Let us know in the comment box. Meanwhile, you should check: How to Fix iPhone keeps restarting After Shifting to iOS 16 Beta? And Why Does My Phone Say SOS iOS 16 | Know The Reason? Keep following Virescencerecord for more updates on iOS 16. 

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Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. Does The New iOS Drain Your Battery?

It’s common for your iPhone to suck up battery life more quickly after a significant iOS upgrade as it performs background operations and indexing; but, some people on Twitter, the MacRumors Forums, and Reddit are claiming extreme battery drain days after the update.

Q2. Does iOS 16 Have Bugs?

iOS 16.0.2 reportedly fixes a number of flaws that have been affecting iPhone 14 models and other iPhones running iOS 16, according to Apple’s release notes.

Q3. What Do The New iOS 16 Updates do?

In the near future, Apple’s new iOS 16 operating system will receive its first significant batch of bug fixes, including those that will address users’ complaints about shaky cameras when using certain apps and a frustrating copy and paste bug that repeatedly prompts users to grant access to their clipboard to apps.

Q4. What Kills iPhone Battery Health?

Using some programs frequently might quickly drain your battery because they consume a lot of power. Start the Settings app, then select Battery to see which apps consume the most power. You can see which apps are using up your battery the quickest by scrolling down to the list of programs.

Q5. What Drains iPhone Battery The Most?

The screen and cellular service are the two factors that drain your iPhone’s battery the fastest. Of course, you are aware when you are using your phone actively, but frequently, your iPhone is working in the background and may even be lighting up your screen without your knowledge.

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